GULSA Textbook Loan Program

In 2023 we are launching our inaugural textbook loan program. Our hope in offering this service is to ensure all students have ample access to the necessary resources to thrive in Law School. We understand the many costs involved in studying and it is our hope this program can relieve the financial and academic stress limited access to textbooks may cause.

All textbooks have been bought second hand directly from students and will now be circulated through Griffith Law School for many years to come. Our collection of textbooks is constantly growing, after a short few months we already have the required texts for all Griffith core courses.

The program is offered in person only. To take advantage of the program, you must attend the GULSA office within opening hours to sign a loan agreement. A $50 cash deposit must be paid to participate which will be refunded on the return of all rented textbooks in good condition. Students may loan up to three textbooks at one time for a maximum period of one month. There is a possibility the number these conditions will change as we accumulate more copies of each text. You must be a GULSA member to participate.

If you have any questions about the program or would like to sell your textbooks to the Association, direct all enquiries to